Week 3, June 2023
Jun 23, 2023
New features
Alert details page
We’ve recently introduced the ‘Alert Details’ page, designed to provide comprehensive information about your alerts in one centralized location. This page offers a consolidated view of all messages sent as part of the alert, giving you a complete history and context of the alert's activities.

Support for Group calls

Flywheel automatically attempts to match contacts to the right account, but now any company can override that automation with custom Group calls.
Page Views as Goal events
Previously, every Goal event created for assets was required to be a Track event. Now, you can choose page views as the goal for assets! A great way to use this is to make the goal event of an upgrade email the viewing of your Pricing page.
Rage clicks in Session Replays
Session Replays now detect Rage Clicks — situations where a user rapidly clicks multiple times on the same element in a short time period. This allows you to understand which areas of your product may be frustrating for users or are broken.
Contact page sorted by 'Last Seen' by default
We heard feedback that having the Contact page sorted by Total Events wasn't that helpful. Now, the Contacts page is automatically sorted by Last Seen — who was most recently interacting with your product or website.
New 'Accounts' field added to Segments pages
We now added an 'Accounts' column to the inner page of Segments, enabling you to effectively analyze segments with a deeper understanding of associated accounts.