
Week 4, March 2023

Mar 24, 2023


This week the Flywheel team focused on improving experience design across the application, as well as improving functionality for Filters and gearing up for two massive new features next week. Stay tuned!

  • A new filter field called Event Type that allows customers to filter out Page Views, Track Events, or Identify calls

  • A new filter field called Contacted that contains the number of emails sent to any contact in Flywheel

  • We have a new tooltip that gives improved error handling when inviting users

  • Better message previews for Alerts and an easier creation flow. 

  • Easier Slack integration from the Alerts UI.

Bug fixes

  • We’ve fixed an authentication issue that affected invites to existing users 

  • Fixed a pagination bug that blocked some customers from scrolling to load new Accounts records

  • Small UI fix with the ‘Never Active’ icon in the Active Contacts section