Week 1, April 2023
Apr 7, 2023
Downloading .csv contacts
You now have the ability to download a csv of Contacts and Accounts from your home page. You can easily transfer lists of users to other tools like CRMs, making it more convenient to manage your contacts across multiple platforms.
New Filter on the Home Page
With the ability to filter your home page by Segments, you can now visualize your Segments' behavior more clearly. If you haven't created any Segments yet, here's a step-by-step guide to creating your first Segment.
Query performance
Improvements in query performance have been made across the board, now your queries will load much faster than before.
Paying customers data
The Flywheel Home screen now includes data about the number of paying customers your company has, along with a benchmark against your all-time high so that you have a better visualization of your company performance.
What’s Next?
Session recordings
You will soon be able to view session recordings of your contacts to see how they interact with your product, where they get stuck or confused, and what features they use most frequently.
Time ranges filters
Any query with a filter will soon be able to pass on time ranges. For instance, if you want to view an event that has happened within the past 30 days of the current period, you will be able to do so using filters.